We're so sure of the quality of our products that we're more than happy to offer you a 3-year guarantee at Quoya. In the unlikely case you should encounter any problems with our products, contact our customer service team explaining the damage or faulty and we will replace the parts. The warranty period begins with the date of delivery. Terms and Conditions apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is covered?

Our track is built to last - so we’ve got your back for 3 years. If it fails during that time, we’ll swap it for a brand new one or send you replacement parts free of charge.

When does the 3-year guarantee start?

The 3-year guarantee starts as soon as you receive your product.

I received a faulty track?

We're very sorry you received a faulty track. That's not supposed to happen. Please send us an email as soon as you notice the fault and we'll get straight on the case.